13th February 2019

Financial Difficulties

Company News Industry Analysis

LSR often become involved when companies are facing financial difficulties. For examples:

  • struggling and getting behind on its payments- suppliers need information about the target in order to better manage the debt and mitigate losses;
  • liquidation- liquidators seek our assistance in analysing an insolvent company’s debtor’s ledger so that more effective collection strategies can be put in place;
  • enforcement- creditors aiming to identify assets of debtors that are reneging on their responsibilities and to support enforcement activities.
  • and more…


We will be providing a series of posts over the coming weeks on various aspects of insolvency including:

Bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation, Chapter 11 SAME SAME

How to spot a company close to insolvency?

Cross-border Insolvency – Diversity and attempts to synchronise!

Another Chapter 11 Regime – Singapore?